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WASTP Conference Proceedings 2024: Journal Report

Editor's Commentary

Linda E. Homeyer


During the conference, WASTP held its Annual Meeting. I provided a requested report regarding the World Journal for Sand Therapy Practice as part of that meeting. The journal has been published for 17 months; the first issue of its inaugural year was in January 2023. During 2023, an issue will be published online each month to develop awareness. In 2024, the journal moved to quarterly issues.

Here are some highlights of that report:

The top ten (10) articles views (PDF and HTML over the 17 months are):

  1. Kottman, Adlerian Applications of Sandtray Play Therapy, 962
  2. Fraser, Grief Walking in the Sandtrays, 769
  3. Remey, Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy in the Sand, 608
  4. Homeyer & Stone, Sand Therapy Standards, 586
  5. Gil, Clinical Work with Sandtrays, 565
  6. Herce, Ochoa de Alda, & Marrodán, La Caja De Arena En El Tratamiento Del Trauma Con Niños/As Y Adolescentes: Una Revisión Sistemática, 536
  7. Hartwig, Homeyer, & Stone, Sand Therapy Competencies, 505
  8. Foster, Humanistic Sandtray Therapy: Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Applications, 418
  9. Fraser, Focus on Miniatures: Trees, 378
  10. 10. Herce, Ochoa de Alda, & Marrodán, Sandtray and Sandplay in the Treatment of Trauma with Children and Adolescents: A Systemic Review, 262 (note with the above Spanish version, this dual-language publication has a total of 798 views)

The primary goal for 2024 and going forward is to increase the number of dual-language articles. Finally, I reminded everyone that we are always looking for manuscripts and encouraged everyone to do so: book reviews, case studies, research, literature reviews, case studies, theoretical perspectives, and more.

WJSTP also gratefully thanked the Texas State University of the Texas State University Library System, which hosts the Open Access online journal. And to Kristin Van Diest, Digital Publishing Librarian, for her ongoing support.

Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. Any further distributions of this work (noncommercial only) must maintain attribution to the author(s), the title of the work, journal citation, and DOI.

© World Association of Sand Therapy Professionals, World Journal for Sand Therapy Practice, Volume 2, Number 2, 2024