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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): SPECIAL ISSUE: Conference Proceedings

Becoming All We Can! Building Competencies in the Sand: Exploring Sand Therapy Competencies

May 20, 2024


This is the Conference Proceedings of the Keynote Panel consisting of: Moderator, Marshall Lyles; Researchers & Panelists, Linda Homeyer, Elizabeth Hartwig, and Jessica Stone entitled: Becoming All We Can! Building Competencies in the Sand: Exploring Sand Therapy Competencies.


  1. Bond, T. (1993). Standards and ethics for counselling in action. Sage Publications, Inc.
  2. Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing grounded theory: A practical guide through qualitative analysis. SAGE Publications.
  3. Hartwig, E. K., Homeyer, L. E., & Stone, J. (2023). Sand therapy competencies: A qualitative investigation of competencies for sand therapy practitioners. World Journal for Sand Therapy Practice, 1(5).
  4. Homeyer, L. E., & Stone, J. (2023). Sand therapy standards: Views from the field. World Journal for Sand Therapy Practice, 1(1).
  5. Teixeira, V. B. 1. (2017). Gatekeeping practices of counselor educators in master's level counseling programs. Journal of Counselor Preparation & Supervision, 9(1), 87–110.